When you have the need to dispose of an end of life or written-off vehicle, we urge you to consider the environmental consequence of your actions and to select an specialist scrap yard known as an Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) like Carmas96 which is part of a system that enables compliance with European Union (EU) recycling targets. The number of vehicles in use has risen steadily over recent decades up to an estimated 32 million in 2003. Just over 2 million vehicles are discarded annually which at an average weight of 1 tonne each, results in 2 million tonnes of waste. End of Life vehicles have the potential to release hazardous substances into the environment if they are not treated, recycled or disposed of properly.
As a result of concerns about the environment and economic impacts of waste vehicles, the EU adopted the End of Life vehicles (ELV) Directive 2000/53/EC).
Requirements of the directive include the following provisions:
• Economic operators (this term includes producers, dismantlers like Carmas96 and shredders among others) are to establish adequate systems for the collection of ELV’s.
• Last owner vehicles must be able to scrap their vehicles into collection systems free of charge from January 2007.
Carmas96 try and offer as much money to the owner for the vehicle as physically possible and as of yet, Carmas96 WILL NOT charge you for using the service. You can recycle your car with us by phoning for us to collect or you can drive your car into our ATF site in Kidderminster.